Friday, June 27, 2014

Focusing On The Business At Hand

     Hello! Today the subject is how to better focus and concentrate on our 2nd business. Those of us that are learning or working a 2nd business in our spare time, need to know how to make the best use of the little time we have available, in order to get anything accomplished.

     This is an issue I have really struggled with. Often times, I have sat down here at the computer, intending to work on my business, and I allow my mind to wander off onto half a dozen other things, and before I know it, I'm out of time, and I have not accomplished anything that I needed to!

     What has worked well for me is, when I first sit down, to write down what I need to do, in the order of priority, and then check off each item as it is completed. It always amazes me how much more I can get done, in less time, when I do this.

     "A study published in Science magazine suggested that people spend 47% “of their waking hours thinking about something other than the activity they’re actually involved in.” What’s worse, that mental meandering makes them more unhappy than others who are able to focus on the task at hand and don’t allow their minds to wander...
     ... As you compose your daily to-do list, consider the number of times daily that you stray from what you set out to do. Is it because you have too many items on your to-do list, or perhaps because you didn’t accurately estimate how long it would take to accomplish each? Or is it because throughout the day you allow yourself to stray, and your mental meandering consumes valuable chunks of time that could be applied to the task at hand?"

     The above quote is from an article dealing with this same issue that can be read in full right here.

"It is better to focus on what you can see than to meander after your self-interest; this also is pointless and a chasing after wind."  Ecclesiastes 6:9

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1 comment:

  1. Great post, I can totally relate to juggling time. Our post were quite similar today. Time management is something we all must improve upon. Keep the content coming.
